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Book Review #2

Book reviews that bless our hearts are always welcomed.  I had an email from another beautiful soul who has finished reading our book JOURNEY and was so kind to send me his comments.“This book is a very brief summary over a short period of time, bringing attention to some of the amazing human stories involved in the brilliant work that Transform Aotearoa do in the Putaruru and surrounding communities. It is a feel-good, heart-warming, and inspirational read bringing light to the fact that...

February 17, 2025

This little gem...

A review from one of our readers.“Many of us may know of organisations that are operating in New Zealand that help those in need. Upon reading the book JOURNEY, I was enlightened of another very well organised, caring organisation called Transform Aotearoa.  From the "get go" of this little gem of a book, I was captivated to reading testimony after testimony.  Each heartfelt story of someone's struggle in life pulled at my heart, but by the end of their telling I was lifted up w...

January 20, 2025


Happy New Year to you all.  Our team are rested and back on deck for another awesome year.  Thrive in ’25 is our motto, and we are ready to roll.  There is a lot of positive expectation on the year ahead and we wait in anticipation for the overflow of good things to come.  This year is fresh without any mistakes, put your goals in front of you, give it all you have and watch your dreams turn into reality.  Let this year be, your year to thrive too.Brett Fleming comes o...

January 20, 2025

Merry Christmas!

Transform Aotearoa has had a fantastic year watching the transformational change in those who came through our door.  We are so thankful for all that has been accomplished not only for our clients but for the staff as well.   Our moto for Transform this year was Open Doors in ’24.  Which we have seen happen many times over. As we finish off the year, I want to leave you with a few words of encouragement.Life is a journey that never stops until you draw your last breath...

December 19, 2024

Reason to Celebrate

Recently Transform held a celebration for their 10th Birthday and book launch. There were almost ninety people in attendance. The celebration was an emotional one, but the staff felt like they were able to make Transform shine. Guest speakers who honoured Transform included Stuart Bay (Founder), Jenni Davies (1st CEO), Craig Johnson (Funder), Brett Fleming (Board Chair), Howard Goold (currant CEO), and staff and clients’ testimonies. Kim Jepsen the Manager launched her book Journey: How a ...

November 7, 2024

Book launch

Over the years I have written heart-warming stories about people dusting off dreams that they once had and making them a reality.  Well, this next story has been two years in the making and I am excited to finally be able to share it. Since I was a teenager, I have loved writing stories and I had a dream to one day publish a piece of my work.  Life got in the way and the idea kept getting pushed to the side as a ‘one day’ statement.  Well, that day has arrived, and I neve...

October 11, 2024

Long haul . . .

For one of the Transform staff obtaining a Defensive Driving qualification has been an arduous twelve-month uphill battle.  Amber has found the study extremely intensive and the criteria to qualify like jumping through moving fire hoops. She has now successfully completely all the necessary requirements to qualify. The last hurdle being to present all eight hours of the material to a mock class, on video call to her instructor in Wellington.  Enduring poor phone connections that d...

September 13, 2024

Positive Changes ...

For the Transform staff it is always exciting to hear when our clients share their stories of how they activated the tools they have been taught.  Especially once they go about their lives outside our four walls.  One gentleman shared how he was following someone on the highway who was going 70 km in a 100 km zone.  Desperately wanting to pass he decided to wait, remembering that the passing lane was coming up.  At the passing lane he was preparing to pass, and the person spe...

August 21, 2024

Learner's theory ...

There are many adults who need help to obtain a learner’s licence.  Driver theory is something that Transform offers free of charge.  We try to make the experience a joyful one as many people are already nervous before they come in the door.  We have found that there is a steady mix of internationals needing to qualify before their international licences expire or those who were never brave enough to try until now.  We like to spend about six hours with each client going th...

July 27, 2024

Community Gardens

Lending a helping hand is what some of the WOW ladies did recently.  The Community Gardens needed some attention and our ladies finally got a chance between rainy days to get their hands in the soil.  The gardens coordinator Lola was very grateful for the extra help whipping the gardens into shape.  Our ladies spent about two hours pulling weeds and raking garden beds.  It made a big difference and the women were happy they could help.  A value we have at Transform is gi...

June 27, 2024

Transform offers Forklift Programme

Good things come to those who wait is an old saying and one we saw come true recently.  Since before Christmas, Kim Jepsen Transform Aotearoa’s manager has been communicating with Driver Training NZ about adding a Forklift license to their repertoire of programmes to help individuals gain or maintain employment.  Once funding was sourced and secured, they set the date and with nine robust men and delivered their first Forklift programme in Tauranga.   The group got split in...

April 5, 2024

Whakahonohono Mai

The women’s Whakahonohono Mai empowerment programme begun with a blast.  There were ten ladies in attendance with five more expected to join next week.  From the introductions the one thing I noted they all had in common was to simply invest in themselves.  Something they have neglected to do with family taking a priority or toxic relationships tearing down their self-confidence.   It is saddening to see our beautiful women reduced to this point that they need to be ta...

February 12, 2024

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the team at Transform Aotearoa. 2024 has begun and the staff are eager and ready to advance with those who seek life change and the chance to have a brighter future.  For Transform Aotearoa we are believing for ‘open doors in ‘24.’  We know there will be many doors of opportunity and we want to be ready to advance through them as soon as they swing open.  Our enthusiasm and curiosity are growing for what will be revealed.Our hope for you this year is that...

January 23, 2024

Merry Christmas from the Transform team

Transform has had a fabulous year.  Our greatest memories are all the people who have come into our space and allowed transformation to happen.  I know I have said it plenty of times before, but this is one of the greatest privileges we have in the life of this organisation.  Standing with and watching people at major crossroads in their lives, including us in the process and then celebrating their success is priceless.   Being available to be a listening ear, a shoulder...

December 15, 2023

Heavy Transport Class 4

Once a year we hold a dedicated Heavy Transport Class 4 course to help our Class 2 students move up the ranks in the trucking industry.   One of the gentlemen had an interview with Higgins one of New Zealand’ road engineering companies before coming to class in the hope of securing a position.  This opportunity has opened a door for him to invest in himself and better provide for his family, something he would not have been able to afford on his own.   He was very grat...

December 5, 2023

Love Bomb Putaruru

A lovely group of ladies gathered Thursday morning to prepare our yearly appreciation baskets of goodies for Fire, Police, Ambulance, Overdale Community Centre, the Library, and the neighbouring accountants office.  Multiple bunches of flowers were carefully wrapped in cellophane to deliver to the business community up and down Tirau Street.  Attached gift cards expressed genuine gratitude for the service they provide.  This is a way we can give back to the businesses for all they...

November 9, 2023

Gold Nuggets

This week in class there was a new lady who came to join the ladies program.  Like most individuals when they come through the door their body language tells us a lot and this gal was no different.  She was very closed and reserved until she was able to read the room.  I sat across the room from her and over the two-hour session I watched her face and manner change.  By the end of the session, she looked like she was going to burst with excitement from all the gold nuggets sh...

August 17, 2023

Ray of Sunshine

Danny shared with me about his trip back to the Hawkes Bay recently.  He was in a department store and the owner of the winery where our guys spent a couple of days digging him out of silt and mud recognised Danny from the other side of the store.  He made a bee line for Danny shaking his hand and then introduced his family.  He was still full of thanks and praise for the efforts that Transform made to them in their time of greatest need.  He commented about the time our guys...

July 6, 2023

Local program delivering HT Class 2

Recently Transform Aotearoa Charitable Trust held another two heavy transport programs helping several locals to get the necessary qualifications to enter the trucking industry.  This is an industry that desperately needs qualified drivers, and we are doing our bit to help the situation as best we can. We have noted that many who attend already drive HT vehicles without the appropriate documentation and want to obtain a license so they can continue up the heavy transport license scale....

June 6, 2023

Howard's Heart for a Transformed Aotearoa

May 1, 2023

Hard to describe the devastation . . .

Five of our men from the life group went down to the Hawkes Bay to be muscle power shifting loads of silt at a winery.  Danny said it was hard to describe the devastation that met them when they arrived.  Logging trucks that were fully loaded tipped on their sides.  Cars on their roofs.  A house that had lifted off its foundations and went on an adventure 2 km up the road.  Water-soaked furniture piled into heaps beside the roads.  Homes destroyed, lives in tatters ...

March 10, 2023

Barista Course

Recently the Barista program took place.  There were 14 students that attended.  Everyone was very nervous about the class but as usual the amazing tutors had them laughing and enjoying the experience.  We had a couple of young teenagers in the group.  Both not wanting to stay at school, and this was one way to give them a little qualification to fall back on if they decide to follow through with their pans to exit high school early.  There was a mother daughter tea...

March 3, 2023

Class 2

We had ten eager students ready to launch into the heavy transport program. For many this is the first time they have had to study in years. I could see the strain in their faces as they prepared to go to the AA to sit the HT learners. Eight of ten passed while the others need more time before they go. One guy failed three time his confidence hit rock bottom and he was very hard on himself as we talked on the phone. I gave him heaps of encouragement and suggested he go back on Thursday afte...

February 22, 2023

Class 4 Truck Licence

Recently we ran our yearly class 4 program for four gentlemen.  They were all so appreciative of Transform offering this program to help them get ahead. We had a young guy who told his boss he was doing a free course to get his class 4 and needed time off to do it.  The boss got nervous knowing that he could get a better offer and leave his current employment.  He said having the class 4 will open all kinds of opportunities for him.  He is only 21 and said that over the ...

December 8, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Transform has had an amazing year and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support of the work we do here in this rural community.  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We look forward to returning in the New Year ready and eager to continue to make a positive difference in our town....

December 8, 2022 Posts 1-25 of 102 | Page next