Book reviews that bless our hearts are always welcomed. I had an email from another beautiful soul who has finished reading our book JOURNEY and was so kind to send me his comments.
“This book is a very brief summary over a short period of time, bringing attention to some of the amazing human stories involved in the brilliant work that Transform Aotearoa do in the Putaruru and surrounding communities. It is a feel-good, heart-warming, and inspirational read bringing light to the fact that humans need each other. Not one of us can get through the journey of life without help and support from others, and our circumstances are ever changing. This collection of stories highlights the fact that Transform Aotearoa have their hand out for anybody needing to grab it and Kim has done a superb job of bringing together some of these moving stories for the readers enjoyment.”
For those who have not got their copy yet, JOURNEY is available at the Transform Aotearoa office. You can email me at to purchase yours.