Heart Warming Stories

Worth it...

In the kitchen preparing a coffee I had the opportunity to ask one of the new ladies if she was enjoying the Whakahonohono Mai programme.  Showing me her beautifully manicured nails, she said, “Yes, and I have done something I have never done before – self-care.”  She was glowing as she told me doing her nails has done more for her than she ever anticipated.  She said her confidence has grown as a result.  She realised after last week’s session that she is worth it.    It has taken a while, but she has an understanding now that she is valuable, and a little self-care is not indulgent but a necessity.

It breaks my heart to hear of women who have never allowed themselves the privilege of a little pampering.  I am grateful for our programmes that help them to raise their value and believe that they are worth the investment.  Half the battle is already won when they realise, they have value.  If this is how she feels after two sessions I can only imagine what she will be like by the time she graduates.  We look forward to seeing the developments of this lady over the term.